
Saturday 26 December 2020

To Probe the Conscience

The Government of the UK and the First Ministers of the devolved nations within it have stated that their advice and current legislation is for the general public to "travel locally," but if necessary on the "Christmas Day" ONLY to travel further afield but NOT to stay overnight on their journey to or from the visit.

I wonder how many of the Lords' people have chosen to disobey this prohibition? I KNOW that some have acted thus!

My question to those who have transgressed is simple; are you in truth prepared to flout the law out of love to family and friends, natural affection, the "honey" of the Word? And yet fail to "obey God rather than man," in order that you may declare your love for the Lord Jesus in answering the loving, longing of His heart for you to "call Him to mind," to adoringly "remember Him?"

If in all good conscience you will answer "yes," then the path you have chosen in these days of "lockdown" is one of hypocrisy and inconsistency. It is a case of unprincipled behaviour and dishonouring to the divinely exalted Name of Christ.

From the commencement of the pandemic, the Assemblies of Gods' should have bowed themselves unreservedly to the Word of God and instead of first looking at the circumstances and then up to God, it should have looked at God first and then dismissed the circumstances as of no account.

Only Joshua and Caleb among the twelve spies fully trusted in the promises Jehovah made to Israel in connection with the possession of the land of promise. The rest brought an evil report and declared "we are not able;" the product of infidelity. But Caleb would faithfully assert, "we are well able;" the language of faith. The majority saw the circumstances, great cities, high walls, and giants, and thereby caused the people to succumb to abject unbelief. Caleb and Joshua saw the circumstances from Gods' own vantage point and were ready to act in Christ-honouring faith. They simply trusted God and the word of His grace. No failure through lack of faith on their part. And remember those two alone of all that unbelieving generation received their inheritance in the land. God ever honours faith-obedience in His own beloved people.

May we humbly and lovingly impress this incident from the pages of the Holy Scriptures upon your consciences; because the Lord Jesus is being robbed of His rightful portion, (all the fat and the incense,) all the while we live in fear of "circumstances."

Numbers 13:17-33. 

Sunday 6 December 2020

Renewed Friendship

During the years from 1977 to 1985, my wife and I held Sunday School meetings in our house, every Lords' Day afternoon. We also held a mid-week meeting on a Wednesday from 1978 to 1984. Over those years 310 children attended, some just the once, others as long as the meetings continued.

I sadly allowed my employment to dictate my movements and had to abandon those who still attended when my job required me to move from Bristol to Cardiff. We lost touch with the vast majority of the children on this account. I have regretted it ever since, believing I moved outside of the will of the Lord. Although "He remained faithful" and proved "His gifts and callings were without repentance," so permitting me to serve Him in South Wales.

Wonderfully by His infinite grace, at least four of our Sunday School "pupils" were gloriously saved! Eternity will reveal whether there were more! Others also showed real interest and faithfully attended the meetings.

One young lady (among a few others) remained in touch with us each "Christmas" season by sending us a card. She (sacrificially) remained at home with her father after he was widowed, keeping him company for the remainder of his life! He only died in December 2019. learning of her loneliness I wrote a letter and inserted it in the card we sent her. We offered to meet up with her and renew our friendship with her, hoping to alleviate a little of her unhappiness. She did not reply. I left it with the Lord and continued to pray for her and the many who had touched our lives in those earlier days.

Yesterday we received the customary "Christmas" card from her with a letter. She apologised for her failure to respond to our invitation but has asked us to meet her God willing after the current lockdown restrictions are lifted.

My wife opened the mail as usual and then told me there was something that I would be pleased to see. I was delighted and thanked the Lord for this answer to prayer and the opportunity afforded to us to be of some feeble blessing to her.

What a lovely little oasis in this wild howling waste of a desert! How it uplifted our spirits in this vale of tears. May there be an abundance of glory secured for our altogether lovely Saviour as a consequence, if it would so please Him.

Sunday 27 September 2020

"Virtual" Meetings -- My Perplexity

 I readily admit I am hopeless when it comes to computer ability, so please bear this in mind when I ask how anyone accesses "virtual" meetings and "webinars?" Does everyone need a secret code or are they available in the whole of the public domain? 

When "virtual" Breaking Bread meetings take place how is the "table" safeguarded? Further, I have learned of numerous differing "patterns" adopted/adapted for the Lords' Supper. Which one is correct? If one is according to the mind of God, (and I doubt that is the case), then ALL THE REST ARE WRONG! Brethren and sisters in Christ does this not perplex you?

Whenever the Lords' people gather to the Name of Christ alone, I mean "physically," only the ONE pattern is adhered to BY ALL who bow to the authority of the Word of God. There is an undeniable compatibility shared by every company of the redeemed. Brethren and sisters in the light of this simple setting forth, are you not perplexed?

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Random reminiscences
In having completed my reading of the above book, my initial feeling was that of disappointment. Perhaps this was due in part because I was familiar with a good number of Ironsides' anecdotes within its pages. I suspect I had read them previously in the biography of  H.A.I. written by E. Schuyler English, and entitled "Ordained of the Lord." Furthermore, it may be as a consequence of being personally perturbed by the title English adopted for his biography which is surely a misnomer! The last eighteen years of Ironsides' service was as Pastor of the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, an ordination by man! A violation of many of the convictions of his own soul, and in disobedience to the Word of God. 
But within the pages of the "The Reminiscences", I discovered an incident that caused me much joy and I confess, such poignancy that I wept. It was the occasion when a Japenese gentleman surrendered to the claims of Christ and acknowledged the Lord Jesus as very Son of God, and his own personal Saviour. His testimony was purest childlike simplicity. His conversion took place at the Breaking of Bread one Lords' Day when he was there as an observer. Moved by the Holy Spirit, and no doubt causing some initial dread among the believers, he "I like to pray," and he poured out his heart to the Lord in true repentance and faith. The whole company was reduced to tears!
Just as poignant was his request for baptism there and then! On being told the brethren would be happy to baptise him on the next Lords' Day, he shamed them with his simple reference to the imminent return of the Lord, and they humbly agreed to baptise him that afternoon!
A similar arrangement was made when Abraham Lincoln requested believers baptism, the promise to baptise him some while after his interview with his fellow believers. He was subsequently assassinated e'er he could obey the Lord in this respect.
Quite some years ago I was preaching the Gospel on a Lords' Day evening. The Scripture taken up was that of the wonderful conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8. I stressed the need for believers to be baptised and that immediately on the confession of their faith in the finished work and glorious resurrection of the Son of God, "out from among the dead." I perhaps laboured it a little too much, as the saints there refused to allow me to preach or minister there again. They practiced a probation period in which (they) presumably judged whether the "candidate" was suitable for baptism. I am saddened to this day by such a prohibition when no scripture is referred to in refuting that the conversion and baptism of a repentant sinner do not go hand in hand. And sadly it took a long period before I was able to approach one of the elders of that Assembly as to why I was no longer welcome. He was hesitant, embarrassed, and ashamed, I believe. 
Brethren, e have no scriptural warrant for delay in baptising new-born believers!

Saturday 1 August 2020

Acting on an Exercise

                                                                  Acting on an Exercise

Yesterday proved to be one of the hottest days of the year here in Bristol. It reached around 86 degrees fahrenheit. The previous evening I had an exercise to distribute Via gospel magazines within my extensive local area. I filled my bag with 250 copies and set out not long after noon. It was very hot, and without the semblance of a breeze quite uncomfortable.
After close on an hour I began to feel somewhat unwell and realised I should not continue much longer. I decided I needed to stop at an easily identifiable place so as to resume on another occasion should the Lord so will. I soon reached a "T" junction and felt this was appropriate. As I knew a short cut home rather than retracing all my steps I was grateful for the opportunity to reach home more quickly, having lingered a little in a shady spot on the way.
Arriving home I drank more than a litre of orange and ate a few squares of chocolate and began to feel much better. I then read a little ministry in my armchair having put my tired feet up. Fully recovered I picked up my bag, still somewhat heavy with magazines, and went up to my study to count how many copies were left and thus establish how few (I feared) had been distributed. It was a great surprise to find I had actually delivered exactly half, 125 copies! I was quite elated and thanked the Father for His gracious undertaking for me in acting upon the exercise brought to me by His Holy Spirit. 
In dark and difficult days with the preaching of the Gospel at a premium due to "lockdown" restrictions, it was precious to give perhaps 250 or more souls the opportunity to read the saving truth of the Glad Tidings, words whereby they must be saved.
May I commend this humble, unobtrusive ministry to you in these days one the Word of God is scarce; and multitudes are dying every day without Christ!       

Saturday 25 July 2020

Face Coverings and the Worship and Service of Believers.

The Government in England has decided to make the wearing of face coverings mandatory in certain settings. Sadly many sisters who refuse to wear head-coverings will readily obey the dictates of men but will refuse to take a subject place before the Lord, the Head of the Assembly which is His body. This is just a reflection of the attitude that prevails in the Assemblies today; [no doubt it is found in the denominations also, but I have no knowledge of their practices.] 
The soul-searching question which has prevailed upon my heart from the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic is in connection with the instructions and recommendations proposed by the various governing bodies in the U.K. and elsewhere in the world. It is not so much whether there have been degrees of wisdom expended in their discussions, but the failure of believers to look away from the foolishness of the "wisdom of this world," i.e "mans' wisdom, and to look to the Lord Jesus for His wisdom; "who has been made to us wisdom from God." 1 Corinthians 1:10,20.
When do we begin to say "if it be righteous before God to listen to you rather than to God, judge ye." Please notice this was addressed by believers to the "powers that be" appointed by God at that time. In addition, Peter stated, "God must be obeyed rather than men." Acts 4:19; 5:29. These expressions were used in the earliest days of the Assembly, while a pristine state prevailed far more than today.
I have read the various counter-arguments to my submission here, but although biblical quotations they have lacked any authority when compared with the above Scriptures. The scriptures quoted by those who seek to dilute the practices of the Assembly gatherings have the divine command in the right context and situations that prevail, for we believers must be "subject to the authorities that are above us."Romans 13:1. [incidentaly this is the only scripture that seems to be quoted by those who hold the different view referred to]. But as forceful are the words of Peter, "Be in subjection to[therefore] to every human institution for the Lords' sake; while Paul exhorts Titus to "put them in mind to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient to rule; and not neglecting the apostles' exhortation to Timothy, "I exhort therefore, first of all, that made ...for kings." These are each and all verily the Word of God! 1 Peter 2:13; Titus 3:1; 1Timothy 2:1. I dare not diminish their divine origin, perfect compositions of the Holy Spirit Himself. But when these scriptures are used in collision with other scriptures by the failure to see them in the light of the entire subject, what is the outcome here in dealing with the State's interference in the worship and service of  Christ's Assembly? We are "rendering unto Caeser what is Caeser's," and far more than is his due, and without hesitation, while we fail to "render to God the things that are God's." 
I say with the utmost respect and sincere love for my fellow believers in the Lord Jesus, that some of the suggestions as to how we "break bread" are almost farcical, being a caricature of what the Saviour longed for in instituting this "feast of love divine," and nothing resembling the direct revelation received by the apostle Paul as to its celebration. 
Matthew 26:26-50; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.     

Thursday 18 June 2020

"Consider Him"

Consider Him
Simple Thoughts For The "Feeble Folk
This unpretentious little volume came into my hands just a little while ago. It is physically very small, but neither its smallness nor its sub-title should be allowed to put the reader off. I purchased it for an insignificant price, but I have been amply rewarded.
It captivated me early on in its 126 pages, with expressions I thought were mine alone, exclusively mine! But I feel this has confirmed that such puny expressions must be Holy Spirit granted; none are in any way "new revelations," only "peculiar" ways of expression.
The main title says it all, it is soul-occupation with the precious Saviour, the Son of the Fathers' love.
Apart from a few "titles" regarding Divine Persons, and of the saints of this dispensation, I am left without any misgivings in recommending it to any believer, if they can find a copy. I have only found one other copy on the internet and surmise that it is very scarce.
As to the author we only have his initials appended to the book, K.B. and I have not been able to discover his full name. I contacted the seller of the book on the internet as his copy bears the authors' signature. I requested him to decipher the name and kindly inform me, but sadly he did not respond. Any help would be appreciated and may be sent to me by email. I append my email address. Thank you in anticipation, in Him, Tom.


Wednesday 10 June 2020

Removal of Offensive Statues

Removal of Offensive Statues
John Newton 1725-1807
I have no political affiliations or views, never having voted at any time or in any connection. this is NOT a political or racial statement, and is attributable to me alone. I am not expressing the views of any other person or persons.
In Bristol U.K. where I currently live there is a faction who want various statues removed in many different locations in the U.K. In general it is based on historic facts proving them to be  Slave Traders, although sometimes the factual  basis appears rather tenuous.
A number of people have asked the very pertinent question, "where will it all end?" I am apt to voice the same query.
With the advent of demolishing statues erected to honour (some) who were definitely involved in Slave Trading, the momentum is gathering apace. Will there now be a concerted call to remove, destroy or demolish the sculpture of the face of John Newton found in the "Amazing Grace Park" in County Donegal? And will there be a banishment order placed upon singing all his hymns, particularly "Amazing Grace," which appears to be a favourite with many choirs who often have black soloists and singers among their number?
I am afraid that MUST be the case if the argument is to be void of hypocrisy and in conformity with the actions taken at this time. 
Just by way of an interesting aside, Newton was enslaved himself by a black woman of the Sherbro people of Sierra Leone. Will it not cause some considerable perturbation and embarrassment if genuine and earnest research is made into Slavers who were black themselves?

Sunday 24 May 2020

Significance of the Rainbow

Significance of the Rainbow
The rainbow is among the most beautiful of sights to be found in the whole of creation. As I am well-advanced in years I have had the inestimable privilege of seeing its wonderful arched-form spread out across the heavens. Of course so many of its appearances have been long forgotten, but one remains indelibly etched upon my heart. A number of years ago I had been invited to take responsibility for an evening Ministry Meeting quite some distance from my home. I had preached the Gospel and ministered the Word of God there on many occasions prior to this particular evening. But I remember it as if it were but yesterday. Just a short distance from the Gospel Hall the brightest and most beautiful "bow in the clouds" bejeweled the sky, seeming to touch the earth itself at both points; appearing to be in touching distance from me. It took my breath away! I knew at that moment I had to change the character of the ministry I had had upon my heart, and the Spirit of God so graciously enabled me.
But what is the divinely purposed significance of the Rainbow? First of all we must establish ownership. Jehovah speaks of it as "My bow," thus silencing all other claims. Genesis 9:13.
What precious truth has the Lord assigned to the "bow," what does it represent? At the cessation of the universal deluge, when those eight souls who alone remained alive on the earth, disembarked from the ark, "Noah built an altar to Jehovah," upon which he offered up burnt offerings. Genesis 8:20.
As surely as the ark was a "type" of Christ, so also were the burnt offerings, and their "sweet odour" "odour of rest" ascending to heaven itself; "And Jehovah smelled the sweet odour." Genesis 8:21.
This a precursor of the fragrance produced in incarnation by the Son of His love, that which would ravish the heart of the Father, throughout His sojourn in this scene. 
Indeed, at that very moment we read, "And Jehovah said in His heart," what a sublime expression, "I will no more henceforth curse the ground on account of Man." 
Genesis 8:21. 
Twice the Lord repeats "And I, behold, I establish My covenant with you." 
Genesis 9:9&11.
And thus He speaks of the "sign" that seals, confirms this covenant: "I set My bow in the clouds, and it shall be for a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth." "And the bow shall be in the clouds,...This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is upon the earth." Genesis 9:13, 16&17.
What is that covenant? It is as infinitely simple as it is infinitely profound. "And I establish My covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood, and henceforth there shall be no flood to destroy the earth. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living soul of all flesh that is upon the earth." Genesis 9:11,16.
The "bow" is His, and the assurance of His mercy is secured, because it is His responsibility to "look upon it;" just as in a later dispensation He would promise, "And when I see the blood I will pass over you;" Exodus 12:13. 
But now we witness an abomination flagrantly waved before the face of the Lord. Men and women promoting and the most perverted acts, reminiscent of Sodom, have dared to attempt to claim the "rainbow" for themselves! To publicly and unashamedly declare their pride in their loathsome, nauseating manner of life. My heart sank and something akin to fear took hold of me when first I learned of this wicked practice. I was afraid that the Lord would act immediately in providential judgement. And perhaps this pandemic is of such a nature.
But I hasten on. Only the other day I learned something that gave me a little solace in the face of this monstrous affront to our righteous God. Many of the populace of the  United Kingdom have assigned the "rainbow" as a tribute to the National Health Service, Care Home Workers, etc. This has thoroughly dismayed those who support the obnoxious behaviour of the homosexual community. Hoist upon their own petard. But more than that I learned that the so-called rainbow emblem assigned to them has only SIX colours! This is not a matter of ignorance, but that of satanic origin. SIX, in Scripture is mans' number, that of incompleteness, of imperfection and confederation in evil. While SEVEN is Gods' number, expressing perfection,completeness, rest, fulfilment and blessing. Here in this scene the seven-coloured rainbow has been appropriated to set forth in a feeble, but in a way of thankfulness, the acts of mercy performed by the "front line" workers bravely facing the threat of the coronavirus. God will ever have the final word; He is still on the Throne!  

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Update concerning my son Adam
A considerable number of the Lords' people have asked me to "post" an update concerning the health of my son Adam (Wyatt).
He is presently in hospital having developed Sepsis as a result of a large kidney stone and kidney infection that had not been detected at an earlier stage. He previously underwent various tests to discover the nature of a supposed recurring U.T.I. But nearly a fortnight ago he had to be rushed to hospital with symptoms similar to Covid-19.
He had various intravenous "drips" to combat the infections and hydrate him. He was very seriously ill and we were fearing the worst, humanly-speaking. he had to undergo numerous tests and suffer a number of unpleasant procedures.
The Doctors tested him for Covid-19 on three occasions but each test proved negative, the symptoms of Sepsis are very akin to those of the virus, but there are more nasty symptoms re. Sepsis.
As of now, in wonderful answering mercy to the continual prayers of so many saints I can report that Adam has almost, if not absolutely, beaten both infections. He has an internal "stent" which acts as a drain to expel the infectious "material" near his kidney. When he has regained enough strength to be able to "transfer" from bed to wheelchair/car etc. he will be discharged; then four weeks later he has to return to hospital as an out-patient and have an operation to remove the kidney stone. He has to have this waiting period so as to be able to withstand the anesthesia.
A Doctor I spoke to commented that he was "remarkable well." Sepsis can hospitalise a patient for as long as eighteen months, and is often fatal. When it realised that Adam remains a paraplegic, and has been in hospital for less than two weeks, it heightens the measure and magnitude of Gods' grace to him. 
Excuse the length of the "post" but I wanted to be as comprehensive as possible. Please continue to pray for him. We thank you from the depths of our hearts for your faithfulness.
Tom Wyatt
Bristol U.K.

Friday 24 April 2020

Royal Dainties

Royal Dainties
Part way through this book entitled "Royal Dainties," I feel the need to say something about it. I had looked forward to reading it with immense anticipation, as I had to put off the opportunity of reading it, until I had finished another book I was already reading.
My longing was to immerse myself in the "Upper Room discourse," if you will kindly allow that expression, Johns' Gospel chapters 13-17. The book is a revision by J. McBroom of Bible Readings and Addresses held in November 1948.
The Bible Addresses were contributed by six different brethren, only two of whom were familiar names to me, J. McBroom himself not being one of them. 
It may well be argued that I need to read the entire book before attempting any kind of review ,and that is a fair comment. But my disappointment is so real that I cannot help but say something at this juncture, having read 48 pages of the 123.
In the notes of the Bible Reading of John 13:31-14:6 there is this statement, "The Fathers' house and its many abodes would be the universe." I struggled to grasp what this really meant, I am able to see some argument of this nature in connection with the Lord Jesus as the "Son of Man" to whom all things universally will be subject in a coming day; but the context does not allow this line of truth, at least as far as I can understand.
The next passage is John 14:6-16. The exposition of these verses is fraught with that which is objective, subjective and even abstract. It went over my head! I fear if there were believers today subjected to this method of unfolding the truth, they would very soon give up all hope of being edified, and consequently lose any attention to what is being said. 
On a brighter note, I found the Address by J.B. Duff, "Under His Shadow," to be quite delightful. I trust there is more of this character to be enjoyed in the ensuing pages.

Saturday 18 April 2020

International Tract Distribution Day 4

International Tract Distribution Day (4)

Saturday 18th April
By the grace of God I managed to distribute 50 copies of Via Magazine in my immediate area. I used my legitimate exercise time, and never left the house before or after I had completed my distribution. The vast majority of my deliveries were to business premises in the high street which are closed, to make things even "safer," as it was obvious many of these were only checked from time to time as evidenced by the build-up of mail that was visible through the "windows" of their front entrances. I confined myself to the low number of copies somewhat reluctantly, and only because of some expressions of disfavour received from other believers. We are living in a state of perplexity and fear on every hand, with the vast multitude of mankind desperate for answers to their plight; and yet we have closed our places of meeting, and I fear in some cases our hearts too. Yes we may cry "legislation demands it," but does that absolve us of failure to seek a way to reach the lost?
Different countries have differing degrees of "lock-down," some perhaps have less restrictions. In the U.K. our Postal Service continues to deliver ALL the mail! Large delivery companies continue to deliver orders placed on-line from Amazon, Ebay etc. This begs the question, "why can we not deliver too?" The present "science" suggests that the COVID-19 virus only remains very briefly on the printed page. Of course one would have to have contracted the virus in the first instance, or unknowingly be a carrier if they were to infect any one else. Now, one would not dream of leaving the house with any of the symptoms of the virus; but if there was the slightest possibility that one was a "carrier" due to minimal time the virus remained on the page the risk would be minimal.
The Via Magazine were last years copies received by me eight or so months BEFORE the pandemic began, thus I am the only one who has touched them since. The likelihood of me spreading the virus is negligible compared with the Postmen and delivery drivers! The obvious conclusion is that I could not use the present "lock-down" as an excuse to fail to discharge my responsibility to the Lords' commission.   
Finally on this day designated "International Tract Distribution Day" I feel compelled just to say that the Lord has enabled me to reach more than 50 people with the Word who might not ever have the same opportunity. If I have given offence to any other believer in my words or by my actions, I apologise for the offence, but not for my spiritual exercise; the "day" will declare it

Saturday 28 March 2020

International Tract Distribution Day 4.1

International Tract Distribution Day (4)  
18 April

For the past three years this date has been designated I.T.D.Day, and many around the world have faithfully joined in the simple spiritual exercise of distributing at least one tract/Gospel portion/magazine etc. I remain humbled by every response and give thanks to our great and good God and Father, who has moved so many believing hearts by His blessed Spirit to thus serve His lovely Son in this way.
I realise that to continue this practice again this year D.V. may prove to be very difficult in the present global situation, that the vast majority will feel unable to "seize every good and favourable opportunity" to engage in this ministry. Eph. 5:16; Col.4:5.
I have no intention of trying to persuade my fellow saints to act contrary to their own personal consciences, or their own understanding of the Word of God in this situation. But I would still ask as many as feel free to join with me again this year, with the desperate plight of men everywhere never more apparent, in support of this little enterprise for the Lord Jesus and for His glory, in the salvation of many precious souls, and perhaps the restoration of many saints too, please.
The U.K. is at present is "locked down," but we are permitted one session of exercise outside of our houses; I propose, if the Lord will, to combine the posting of copies of Via Magazine with my "walking exercise" on that day. Perhaps you may think of some other innovative ways to do something similar.
I leave this with you all, fully trusting that you will each consider things in the light of eternity, "provoking unto to love and good works" .... "and by so much the more as ye see the day drawing near." Hebrews 10:25. 
Finally, to the many saints who have, and have continued to pray for my son Adam, I thank you with all my heart. He does remain paraplegic as a result of a spinal stroke, and on 19th April D.V. he will have been five years in this paralysed condition. The Lord has been so good to him, and to us, especially in giving Adam back movement down his whole right side, beyond all the ability of even the greatest of men! But on each "anniversary" of the day he was struck down, Adam is weighed down as he cannot help but relive it. We covet and would so value your prayers at that time especially, please. In anticipation, we would thank you in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, yours and ours. 
Tom Wyatt
Gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus with the saints at Pensford, Bristol,  U.K. 

Thursday 26 March 2020

The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration
(Some simple thoughts)
"And He was transfigured before them."
Matthew 17:2; Mark 9:2.
"And as He prayed the fashion of His countenance became different and His raiment white [and] effulgent."
Luke 9:29.
We notice with interest and instruction, that this resplendent incident upon the "holy mount"* is not recorded in Johns' Gospel account;
The Holy Spirit caused it to be omitted by John, because He had entrusted to John the infinite privilege of presenting the Lord Jesus as very Son of God! *2 Peter 1:18.
Thus, as the all-glorious God He could not be "transfigured!" 
The Incarnation and Transfiguration of the Son of God, are two of the most beautiful truths concerning Himself;
They are preciously contrasting, and yet, at one and the same time, perfectly corresponding.
His incarnation may be expressed thus: His intrinsic glory  veiled beneath a "bondmans' form;" Phil. 2:7.
While at His transfiguration the "bondmans' form" was veiled by the brightness, the outshining, the "effulgence of His glory."
"His glory" spoken of here is a reference to the glory of Godhead, (but without distinction of the Persons), yet expressly exhibited "in [the Person of the] Son." Heb. 1:2,3.
He was truly "God manifest in flesh," and withal Emmanuel, "God with us;" not only as to His presence in our midst, but also as to "blood and flesh," for "He also, in like manner, took part in the same." Hebrews 2:14.
The word metecho" i.e. "took part" does not say how far the taking share went; thereby it commands holy, reverent restraint on the part of the believer; this is holy ground.
While we would unhesitatingly affirm with the poet:
"Verily God, yet become truly human --
Lower than angels to die in our stead:"
E're He was "transfigured" His perfect dependence as the impeccable Man and surrendered Servant is witnessed, "He prayed;" this His uninterrupted practice in this scene;
Whilst transfigured His incomparable transcendence was displayed; infinitely eclipsing both Moses and Elijah; these two no doubt representing the Law and the Prophets; They also perhaps in some measure, pre-figure those who "have fallen asleep through Jesus," and those who are "the living" and "remain" unto His coming. I Thess. 4:14,17.
But with the removal of the cloud no one was to be seen save "Jesus alone."
Just two further thoughts might occupy us for a brief moment.
It was a "bright cloud" that "overshadowed them:" it covered without darkening them; It was "bright"-- "the excellent glory:" (The same word used for the cloud that took possession of the tabernacle and filled it with glory. Exodus 40:34,35.)
Thus it was that the three privileged disciples were enable to be "eyewitnesses* of His majesty;" 2 Peter 1:16.
* "eyewitnesses" admitted into immediate vision of the glory, where they heard, "such a voice being uttered to Him by the excellent glory: This is My beloved Son, in Whom I have found My delight."
"Eyewitnesses," a word used for full initiation into the [N.T.] mysteries; which prerogative has been granted to us, for we have heard His voice, and contemplated His glories; and e'en now "we all, looking on the glory of the Lord, with unveiled face, are transformed (same word as "transfigured") according to the same image from glory to glory, even as by [the] Lord [the] Spirit." 2 Cor. 3:18.

Did Thy God e'en then forsake Thee,
Hide His face from Thy deep need?
 In Thy face once marred and smitten,
All His glory now we read.

Gazing on It we adore Thee,
Blessed, precious holy Lord;
Thou the Lamb, alone art worthy;
This be earths' and heavens' accord.
Cenita Thompson 1822-1909.


Saturday 21 March 2020

Luke 21:26
I felt it incumbent to append a short paragraph referring to the above Biblical reference, as being forcefully pertinent at this time. A brother in Christ penned this at the beginning of 1974.
He writes: 
"As year succeeds year it is obvious to every seriously minded person that things in this world are becoming more and more insecure and sinister. The words of the Lord Jesus in Luke 21:26, referring as they do to a future era, yet have most surely a moral significance at the present time — "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth." This world, the scene of man's rebellion against God, where His beloved Son has been cast out and crucified, is doomed. Neither man's occupation with himself and his achievements, nor yet his rejection of God and His claims, can avert the impending judgment."
The literal version of J.N.D. reads thus: "men ready to die through fear and expectation of what is coming on the habitable world..." 
While the A.V. has:
"Mens' hearts failing them for [from] fear, and looking after those things which are coming on the earth."  
My contention is simple: by taking pre-emptive measures which may well prove to be uncalled for, in closing our "doors," our local testimonies to Him and His salvation,  we are failing the fearful hearts of men!

Friday 20 March 2020

Further measures re. COVID-19
I an just updating the information I have to hand at this present moment. One after the other Assemblies in the U.K. have closed their doors, and effectively their public witness. I have heard most of the arguments put forward in defence of this action. But none are convincing to me, even if some have a little more merit than others.
I would like to clarify one point: there is only ADVICE not legislation in the U.K. to self-isolate, and I really believe such action should be determined intelligently. And as it is simply advice Romans 13 is not applicable.Where an Assembly has no members manifesting any symptoms and in general do not mix with the world where is the problem in gathering at least to "call to mind" the Saviour every Lords' Day? You cannot infect another person if you are not ill with the virus; one cannot infect a citizen in the district who is in their own home fifty or so metres from the Gospel Hall, even if one was infected or "carrying" the infection.
Furthermore I am baffled as to how believers are suddenly able to foresee the future! Until this virus broke the saints would constantly be saying, "take no anxious thought for the morrow," "sufficient for the day is the evil thereof," "boast not thyself of tomorrow..." "I know Who holds the future," and so on!
I addition, even where legislation is laid down I still would seek to discern the Lords' mind as to whether there is the need to determine if this is a case of "obeying God rather than man."
And finally, it is quite sad that believers seem to "pick and choose" which laws they are prepared to obey. Just ask yourselves and one another something as simple as this, "do you always adhere to the speed limit?" I have heard brethren boasting of their ability to travel from A to B in an impossible time if such speeds were heeded. Ah, you say, this is not significant! But I say, if you knock down and injure, maim or far be the thought, kill someone, you leave yourself "without excuse."
I said finally, but you know what "speakers" are like! Please act circumspectly and avoid unnecessary  contact  with others, and self-isolate if you have even the slightest suspicion that you are exhibiting any symptoms; and of course DO NOT GO TO THE GATHERINGS!
May the Lord Jesus hedge us all about and provide opportunity for our worship and service of, to and for Him, for His delight and glory.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Coronavirus: Are Stringent Measures Necessary?

Coronavirus: Are Stringent Measures Necessary?
I hope no one thinks I am acting unwisely or appearing blase regarding the present pandemic. The heading is necessarily truncated, I would like to have asked rather, "Are such measures really necessary for the gatherings?"
To act prudently and heed advice is to be intelligent in the circumstances I readily admit. But the advice I have seen, in respect of the actions suggested, seem to be disproportionate and lacking in faith may I humbly suggest.
Already Assemblies are cancelling meetings without a single believer in the company exhibiting any symptoms of the virus! Measures have also been suggested that seem to undermine, if not obliterate the practical truths concerning the Lords' Supper!
I repeat most vehemently, I am not blase about this truly horrible virus and would act as wisely as is possible. But I feel a pressing, nay, an urgent need to exhort every believer to look to the Lord to overrule and undertake for His own; and not to engage too much in anticipation of what MIGHT happen.
Just as an aside: we need to remember before this age of "multi-media" with its frightening impact on peoples views and manner of life, this outbreak would have run its course without the hype and scaremongering we experience now. Furthermore, in recent years viruses have been far more widespread and have caused more fatalities than COVID-19. Again, this is not to belittle the dangers, but to simply point out that if the general public around the world had been in receipt of as much information on those previous occasions we would have seen a like response.
I and my wife, and two of our children are in the vulnerable category, so this is not false or bravado, but soul-concern for the gatherings of the Lords' people that He might receive His "portion" from us, His own, and that we might hold fast His Word.