
Friday 20 March 2020

Further measures re. COVID-19
I an just updating the information I have to hand at this present moment. One after the other Assemblies in the U.K. have closed their doors, and effectively their public witness. I have heard most of the arguments put forward in defence of this action. But none are convincing to me, even if some have a little more merit than others.
I would like to clarify one point: there is only ADVICE not legislation in the U.K. to self-isolate, and I really believe such action should be determined intelligently. And as it is simply advice Romans 13 is not applicable.Where an Assembly has no members manifesting any symptoms and in general do not mix with the world where is the problem in gathering at least to "call to mind" the Saviour every Lords' Day? You cannot infect another person if you are not ill with the virus; one cannot infect a citizen in the district who is in their own home fifty or so metres from the Gospel Hall, even if one was infected or "carrying" the infection.
Furthermore I am baffled as to how believers are suddenly able to foresee the future! Until this virus broke the saints would constantly be saying, "take no anxious thought for the morrow," "sufficient for the day is the evil thereof," "boast not thyself of tomorrow..." "I know Who holds the future," and so on!
I addition, even where legislation is laid down I still would seek to discern the Lords' mind as to whether there is the need to determine if this is a case of "obeying God rather than man."
And finally, it is quite sad that believers seem to "pick and choose" which laws they are prepared to obey. Just ask yourselves and one another something as simple as this, "do you always adhere to the speed limit?" I have heard brethren boasting of their ability to travel from A to B in an impossible time if such speeds were heeded. Ah, you say, this is not significant! But I say, if you knock down and injure, maim or far be the thought, kill someone, you leave yourself "without excuse."
I said finally, but you know what "speakers" are like! Please act circumspectly and avoid unnecessary  contact  with others, and self-isolate if you have even the slightest suspicion that you are exhibiting any symptoms; and of course DO NOT GO TO THE GATHERINGS!
May the Lord Jesus hedge us all about and provide opportunity for our worship and service of, to and for Him, for His delight and glory.

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