
Friday 14 July 2023

The  Secret of the Universe

In connection with my nightly devotional time in the Word and in prayers, I have incorporated for my help to more fully apprehend grasping the teaching, an expository book on the particular passage of Scripture being meditated upon. Of course, I am always cast upon the Lord alone for the divine instruction of His gracious Holy Spirit, Who has always remained faithful in granting me His precious ministry.

While reading the wonderful Prophecy of Isaiah I had for my assistance F.C. Jennings' fine commentary. I found much blessing, except for the final "deduction" at the close of the book; it seemed to me to be as strange as some of the more fanciful interpretations of various parts of Revelation! But notwithstanding, I highly value F.C.J.'s ministry.

As to the title at the head of this "post:" in his exposition, Mr Jennings referred to "a remarkable book." The book has the title, as above, "The Secret of the Universe," authored by Dr. Nathan Wood. It was first published in January 1932, I believe. Simply on the recommendation of F.C.J., I bought a copy, reprinted in 2008.

I received my copy today, and have not read one word other than the publishers' view expressed on the title page. It is so enlightening I am copying it in its entirety:

2008 Wilder Publications

"This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."

It is frightful to realise that the abominable corruption and practice so rife today was already operating in this evil world 15 years ago! It has now reached its full-blown state where the dreadful propagation and promotion of these abominations is subtly veiled in the above paragraph.

"Truth is ever on the scaffold, evil on the throne," in this Christ-rejecting world of falsehood, corruption, and violence.