
Saturday 5 May 2018

A Strange Phrase

A Strange Phrase
Last Lords' Day evening I was engaged in conversation with a fellow believer, seeking his help regarding an exercise I had for a needy Assembly. I felt quite early on that I had perhaps made a mistake in approaching him in connection with this delicate matter. He seemed to be "speaking down" to me and was a little forceful as the conversation proceeded. But what I have been unable to dismiss from my mind was his constant use of the phrase "sanctified common sense." I had heard it used before, but not as often is so short a space of time.
Troubled by it I pondered it thoughtfully and I trust prayerfully in regard to it. I have concluded that it is fallacious in the extreme. The "flesh" cannot be sanctified for it means separation to God; separation from evil things and ways, and further truth of this nature. Common sense is the reasoning of men, not faith! Faith infinitely surpasses all the mind of man.
This strange phrase is used in connection for questions arising in the believers pathway for which there is no absolute definitive statement in Scripture. If I may give an example or two: Is it right to use stimulants as alcohol and tobacco? Should we "vote" in political elections? Is it acceptable to play cards, frequent night clubs etc. Are we able to become members of clubs, institutions, organisations? The phrase "sanctified common sense" has been given full rein here by many believers.
What then is the spiritual alternative? Where no absolute definitive word in Scripture exists there ever remains general principles and the clear tenor of the Scriptures. Without replying to the questions I have raised, and no doubt many others too, I state categorically that there is no such thing as "sanctified common sense," and to suggest such is dangerous, allowing a loophole through which to bolster ideas without any support from the Word of God.
If this seems harsh, please believe me I intend no offence to ANY of my beloved brethren and sisters in Christ.