
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Strongs' Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
I, with an innumerable multitude of other believers, owe a considerable debt to the compiler of the above mentioned magnificent labour of love for Christ and His own people. It is ever the main human " reference tool" for so many preachers and teachers of Gods' Word.
Just today, as I continued to study the Word, to use on Thursday, if the Lord will, in ministering (serving) to a little Assembly in Somerset, I discovered a sublimely simple fact. No doubt, the vast majority of the saints who give themselves to the study of the Scriptures, will have anticipated me!! But in case there is just one who loves the Saviour, and has not noticed this fact, I would like to share it.
You will appreciate that the number appended to the leading word in any given passage, corresponds with the number found in the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries in the latter part of the book.
Preciously, I discovered that "Father" has the very first number ("1") assigned to it in the Hebrew, while Father in Aramaic has the numeral "2." I understand of course, that it is alphabetical, but refuse to believe that it is not of Divine design, or without an infinite significance. Brethren and sisters, how precious is our relationship with the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! We who have the unsurpassed privilege to address Him as "Abba, Father."
May we ever revel in our position of sonship, afforded to us by the only-begotten Son of God, the Son of His love.

Saturday 9 September 2017

A Little Additional Revelation
Last Lords' Day as I perused and meditated upon the Scripture passage I purposed to use a the basis for a Gospel address, a new thought, (new to me that is,) gripped me. I had written my notes and added addenda in the margins, with some scripture references connected to the main thrust of the message.
One verse stood out in a peculiar way, and I felt it to be an addition to my limited understanding of the Word. I cannot think there are but a few who already apprehended the two simple thoughts that formed in my mind.
The reference was to verse 28 of Matthew chapter 10:
"And be not afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; but fear rather Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." J.N.D. Trans. {Darbys' footnote on the word "of" is of fine instruction here.}
Well brethren, to the simplicity of my thought, and you may certainly expand it beyond the my feeble way of expression!
In this verse, (a parallel passage is found in Luke 12:4.), it seems to me that, with the dawn of eternity for those who died in their sins, to be in possession of a "body" necessitates resurrection; and the continuance of their "soul" in the eternal state demands an eternal existence on their part! Death is not the cessation of being, only that of "well-being!"
Brethren, I leave it with you for your discernment and perhaps if the Lord so designs, it may prove to be of benefit to your souls.