
Tuesday 13 December 2016


(Pronounced MAN-swi-tood)
I realise that his may seem a strange "post," but I love words and was intrigued by this particular word completely new to me. I will just tell you what I have learnt concerning it and leave you to judge its merits.
It is a noun meaning "mildness, gentleness: the mansuetude of Christian love." A quotation of interest appears noteworthy : "For indeed  it is possible to attain a state of divine mansuetude that nothing dismays and nothing surprises, just as one in love might, after many years, arrive at a sublime tranquillity of the sentiments, sure of their force and durability, through constant experience of their pleasures and pains." This in no way rises to the supreme heights of Gods' wonderful Word, but does echo something of the settled relations of the saint with the Saviour, whilst basking in the realised sunshine of His love.
I think that the quotation comes from one who was "outside" of Christ, hence its way of expression; but I felt it deserving of our attention; another word in our tongue speaking of things divine.