
Wednesday 7 March 2012


Many, many true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, who love Him "in incorruption," J.N.D. Trans. ("in sincerity," A.V.) Ephesians 6:24, have been vilified by Mr. Macpherson. "Brethren commonly so called," and Mr. Darby in particular have borne the brunt of his spleen, breathing out threatenings in unbridled despite.
Within the household of faith there are numerous differences of interpretation as regards the Scriptures. (While we deplore this condition, it is an irrefutable fact.) The conclusions drawn from the study of prophetic scriptures have probably given rise to the most controversy. However believers' views may differ, and however tenaciously they are "held," this is no sanction for using such vitriolic language, levelled at more godly, and more well-instructed saints than himself. I speak of him, (Mr. Macpherson,) as a fellow saint, but with a real degree of apprehension. Read his comments "on-line," he is more than happy for you to do so. With an open heart and mind decide whether a true child of God would use such spiteful words.
The little I read of his attacks upon those of a different persuasion from himself, (I had to desist in disgust quite early in my perusal of his various "posts,") were based upon so called historical documents, letters, books etc., NOT upon the Word of God!
Decide for yourself after a discerning perusal of his internet postings, is he a Christian or a Charlatan?