
Thursday 5 March 2015

The Highest Part of the Dust of the World

The Highest Part of the Dust of the World
Proverbs 8:26.
Alone in the "sanctuary," perhaps a few weeks ago, my eye fell upon the above expression. It riveted my attention and reverberated in my soul. Fearing lest my immediate thought as to what the Holy Spirit would have me understand by such an infinite phrase, I sought for "helps," and found none! 
How often when we look for aid from our most able brethren do we find that the particular word, phrase or verse, has been "overlooked!" It is frustrating, but very likely beneficial for us, making us deeper thinkers and "miners."
For me it appears to be a wonderful expression of Divine revelation to faith, signifying that MAN is the pinnacle of Gods' creation.
Still without anyone to confirm or show me "more exactly" [Acts18:26] the true import of this phrase, I suggest it is yet another nail in the coffin of evolutionary theories, the "oppositions of science falsely so called."  I Timothy 6:20.
It is tragic that unregenerate men of "science" either relegate "man" to the level of "natural brute beasts," or attempt to elevate him to Deity!

Caution: Unwelcome Literature

At this present time a number of leaflets are being sent to Assemblies in the U.K. Presumably there distribution is widespread. we need to be cautious about "displaying" these missives as they are not Assembly-based. Of course, if that does not concern certain Assemblies then such advice is valueless.
I have "inspected" two such publications, sent to two Assemblies in my "area" of service for the Lord.
One is entitled "Let My People Grow." It appears to be promoting the qualifications and abilities of one Ian Coffey. He is apparently "Reverend," although I know that such a "title" belongs exclusively to our God! He is a Baptist Minister, ordained of men! The author, whether himself or another, has gone to great lengths to exalt
Mr Coffey, while the Lord Jesus is NOT mentioned once! I leave you to decide what to make of such a publication.
I have glanced at his "Blog," and was amused, please forgive me, to find this statement, "Being a leader is like being a lady, if you have to go round telling people you are one, you aren't!"
The other leaflet is from "The Maranatha Group." A dangerous title to adopt! Others have taken that title too and it would be objectionable in the view of those who comprise this "Group;" just look on the "net" and you will understand what I am implying. 
Two men are responsible for this invitation to a seminar. Neither are in "Assembly" fellowship, but incorporating the beautiful word "Maranatha," one might expect them to be, and therein lies the danger. Apart from anything else their intention is to decide how to "incorporate teaching about the second non-Christians." Aside from warning lost sinners of the return of the Lord Jesus in judgement, any such teaching is surely "casting pearls before swine?" Matthew 7:6. 
I have no doubt that the men in question are truly "born anew" and desire to serve the Lord. But I fear that their teaching would undermine Assembly truth and lead to unwise associations. To "flood" Assemblies with such literature is bordering on deceit. I realise that many will accuse me of sectarianism  or worse, but if one believes that meeting as we do is right and best, then anything else must be less desirable.
I will have offended some I know, but that has never been my intention. If anyone risks "putting something in writing" they always run that risk, and that includes me!
I lovingly commend all who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, to God and the word of His grace.