
Tuesday 19 May 2020

Update concerning my son Adam
A considerable number of the Lords' people have asked me to "post" an update concerning the health of my son Adam (Wyatt).
He is presently in hospital having developed Sepsis as a result of a large kidney stone and kidney infection that had not been detected at an earlier stage. He previously underwent various tests to discover the nature of a supposed recurring U.T.I. But nearly a fortnight ago he had to be rushed to hospital with symptoms similar to Covid-19.
He had various intravenous "drips" to combat the infections and hydrate him. He was very seriously ill and we were fearing the worst, humanly-speaking. he had to undergo numerous tests and suffer a number of unpleasant procedures.
The Doctors tested him for Covid-19 on three occasions but each test proved negative, the symptoms of Sepsis are very akin to those of the virus, but there are more nasty symptoms re. Sepsis.
As of now, in wonderful answering mercy to the continual prayers of so many saints I can report that Adam has almost, if not absolutely, beaten both infections. He has an internal "stent" which acts as a drain to expel the infectious "material" near his kidney. When he has regained enough strength to be able to "transfer" from bed to wheelchair/car etc. he will be discharged; then four weeks later he has to return to hospital as an out-patient and have an operation to remove the kidney stone. He has to have this waiting period so as to be able to withstand the anesthesia.
A Doctor I spoke to commented that he was "remarkable well." Sepsis can hospitalise a patient for as long as eighteen months, and is often fatal. When it realised that Adam remains a paraplegic, and has been in hospital for less than two weeks, it heightens the measure and magnitude of Gods' grace to him. 
Excuse the length of the "post" but I wanted to be as comprehensive as possible. Please continue to pray for him. We thank you from the depths of our hearts for your faithfulness.
Tom Wyatt
Bristol U.K.

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