
Sunday 6 December 2020

Renewed Friendship

During the years from 1977 to 1985, my wife and I held Sunday School meetings in our house, every Lords' Day afternoon. We also held a mid-week meeting on a Wednesday from 1978 to 1984. Over those years 310 children attended, some just the once, others as long as the meetings continued.

I sadly allowed my employment to dictate my movements and had to abandon those who still attended when my job required me to move from Bristol to Cardiff. We lost touch with the vast majority of the children on this account. I have regretted it ever since, believing I moved outside of the will of the Lord. Although "He remained faithful" and proved "His gifts and callings were without repentance," so permitting me to serve Him in South Wales.

Wonderfully by His infinite grace, at least four of our Sunday School "pupils" were gloriously saved! Eternity will reveal whether there were more! Others also showed real interest and faithfully attended the meetings.

One young lady (among a few others) remained in touch with us each "Christmas" season by sending us a card. She (sacrificially) remained at home with her father after he was widowed, keeping him company for the remainder of his life! He only died in December 2019. learning of her loneliness I wrote a letter and inserted it in the card we sent her. We offered to meet up with her and renew our friendship with her, hoping to alleviate a little of her unhappiness. She did not reply. I left it with the Lord and continued to pray for her and the many who had touched our lives in those earlier days.

Yesterday we received the customary "Christmas" card from her with a letter. She apologised for her failure to respond to our invitation but has asked us to meet her God willing after the current lockdown restrictions are lifted.

My wife opened the mail as usual and then told me there was something that I would be pleased to see. I was delighted and thanked the Lord for this answer to prayer and the opportunity afforded to us to be of some feeble blessing to her.

What a lovely little oasis in this wild howling waste of a desert! How it uplifted our spirits in this vale of tears. May there be an abundance of glory secured for our altogether lovely Saviour as a consequence, if it would so please Him.

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