
Monday 6 May 2013

Warning to Believers in New Zealand and France

I have noticed with some real dismay that legislation in both New Zealand and France has been passed to allow "same sex marriages."
In the U.K. during earlier times, homosexual practices were against the laws of our nation. Some few years ago such perversions were frowned upon, but the laws prohibiting such practices were abrogated. More recently homosexuality was condoned, then promoted, and now envisaged as something akin to normal sexual behaviour. More than this, it is regarded in some quarters as of a superior status, so that those who choose to live in this way can bring charges of discrimination on the basis of the flimsiest of evidence. Believers have to be constantly on their guard, as some elements among this "company" seek avidly to ensnare them. Some faithful believers have lost their livelihood for refusing to compromise.
Since our nation permitted civil partnerships, (often better provided for by the State than married couples;) and now that  "same sex couples" are allowed to "marry," our Nation has suffered  governmental dealings at the hand of our God. 
There have been "natural," economic, financial and moral eruptions. We have experienced weather conditions unprecedented here in the U.K. In every walk of life corruption has been exposed. The State Church and Romanism have both alike been revealed as evil, corrupt and immoral.
This Nation has nevertheless known a degree of mercy in the compassionate long-suffering of God. Why? I would love to think it was because of a little feeble "remnant testimony" maintained for the Saviour. I suspect that has helped to restrain the judgement of God somewhat. But I believe the under-lying reason is because of the bright testimony of bygone generations. This Nation has been singularly blessed with a great multitude of goodly men and women over a number of centuries.
With very real humility I must suggest that the same cannot be said for the above two Nations. Sodomy in all its forms is an abomination to God. Brethren and sisters in Christ pray earnestly that God would be merciful to your Nations. 
Finally, consider all the terrible disasters in nature that have befallen other parts of the world; tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and fires; and what about the numerous acts of terrorism, slaughter, murders and suicides.
This is not to suggest that sodomy is the cause of it all; but that it does play a very substantial part is undeniable.
There are numerous references in Scripture to this abominable and immoral practice, and Gods' hatred of it.
Nb.Gen.13:13; Deu. 23:17; 1 Kings 22:46; Isa.3:9; Jude 7; Rev.11:8;      

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