
Friday 25 March 2022

 (6th) International Tract Distribution Day 2022

              18 APRIL 2022   

Dear brethren and sisters in Christ,

As we did last year we are nominating 18th April 2022 as the "International Tract Distribution Day", if the Lord will. This would be the sixth consecutive year despite the various "lockdowns" that were in place during the years 2020 and 2221. Many contributed to this brief ministry, with care and consideration, acting responsibly at those times. ITDD falls on a Monday this year and we hope this will be convenient for many of the Lords' people to engage in this humble service for Him. It is a simple exercise, but we believe it to be significant under the good hand of God.

Personally, I use "Via Magazine" for distribution, and I would thoroughly recommend it. It is replete with the Gospel message, and practical in that it is both undated, and being more sturdy than a tract, it is easier to "post" through those stiff letterboxes that trap your fingers and scrape your knuckles! 

We just lovingly ask for every believer who is physically able, to distribute in any way, by hand, through the letterbox, even by mailing, just ONE Gospel Tract, booklet, magazine, etc. Of course, if you are able to make more available on that day, there is no limit!

The purpose is to "flood" the whole world, on that particular day with the "Words of life" in printed form. The response last year and the previous year during the pandemic remains unknown here in this scene, only eternity will reveal what was accomplished for our lovely Saviour. I must add that we long that He will be glorified, indeed that ALL the glory might be His alone as we make His claims upon the souls of men.

Please may we ask one more thing of you dear saints? Please announce this date in your Assembly giving time for the brethren and sisters to perhaps prepare for it, especially in their prayers; and please announce it nearer the time too, if it is the Lords' will.

Please give us "feedback" if you find the time and are able; it has proved such an encouragement to every one of the Lords' servants in the past.

Thank you to everyone who participated last year, and thank you in advance if you are already burdened to engage in this little venture for Him again this year.

With warmest affection and love in Him,  Tom.

Tom Wyatt

Bristol U.K.

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