
Friday 25 February 2022

Doors Shut and Lamps Put Out

(2 Chronicles 29: verse 7, principally.)

"And they have shut up the doors of the porch, and put out the lamps, and have not burned incense nor offered up burnt offerings in the sanctuary to...God."   2 Chronicles 29:7.

While I readily acknowledge that this scripture is addressed to a faithless Israel, and such must be the interpretation, it is my contention that the application of the above expression befits the present condition of the Christian testimony, both generally, and especially among those who "gather to the Name of the Lord Jesus alone."

I hurriedly own to that my knowledge of these things is limited in the main to W.S. England and Wales; but not without information from a good number of other countries including the U.S.A. and Canada, countries in Europe and other continents. What I have learned is sufficient to suggest the picture in my own locality is mirrored all over the world.

But what really distresses me is how many of the "Denominations" put us to shame; locking down later, or indeed not at all! They have opened their doors much sooner too. While many Assembly buildings remain shut temporarily? still, and others have closed down permanently. Our doors have been shut to fellow believers and a desperate world with hearts failing for fear. The light of our testimonies for the Lord has been extinguished. Our worship of, for, and to Him has been "adapted" to accommodate so-called legislation, such legislation as deemed "unlawful." Worse still, many Assemblies have adopted different "patterns" of practice in regard to the "Lord's Supper," even contending that "there is no pattern;" others have just simply ceased from the remembrance of the Saviour/Redeemer, altogether!

Now it is alleged that the use of"Zoom," and similar social platforms designed by this world, is "the Lord's will!" So we may lounge around at home, with no need for care as to how we dress or conduct ourselves during the "meetings." Furthermore, this should be the "pattern" of "gathering" from now on!  

For nigh on two years, we have barred perishing sinners from our places of witness, shutting the doors and putting out the lamps of that testimony. Numerous companies of saints have been scattered abroad due to the closure of those collective testimonies; while countless "seekers" have been unable to "find."

Unless we humble ourselves and own our abject failure before the Lord, where will this all end? What hope is there for revival in the hearts of individual saints, and entire companies of the Lord's people? It appears to be "very little." But we each have the responsibility to "keep His Word and not deny His Name." May the Holy Spirit write it large and indelibly on our hearts, for the glory of the Lord. 

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