
Sunday 18 April 2021

International Tract Distribution Day: A Personal Report

Today the Lord's Day 18th April is the day I suggested saints worldwide might utilise for distributing the Word of God in written form wherever, and however, they are enabled. It is the fifth year, by the grace of God, that this humble exercise has been in operation, so to speak.

At the close of my time of worship this morning, I felt it incumbent upon me to set an example in contributing to the above exercise. I filled my bag with two hundred copies of "Via," a lovely Gospel magazine produced in Canada. I always take two hundred copies with me as it is the full capacity my bag affords me, and it is better to return with some copies rather than to run out of them.

I must admit, although it is a beautiful day with warm sunshine, I was somewhat weak in faith and could not see how I would manage to exhaust my supply; I am not getting any younger! Once more, as is often the case, I posted the magazine in houses I have never been to before, and some I had never even seen before! Houses are being built at an alarming rate, and they seem to appear almost overnight!

Well, the Lord both constrained me and sustained me, and I delivered every copy. The glory is ALL His alone!

Now I would like to just mention something else, perhaps even for your amusement. As many of you will know a surprising number of households, at least in the U.K. affix little lists of things they consider to be undesirable; things they do not want to be posted through their letter-boxes: Menus, surveys, calling cards, and most comprehensive of all in its scope, "junk mail!" I try to act carefully and prayerfully in posting Via even when "junk mail" appears on the list, as it is clearly a beautiful little publication. But when the list includes "nothing religious," "no religious bodies?" or any such-like sentiments, I do not risk giving offence to the householders.

So to my amusing little anecdote. walking up a fairly long path to the door of an inconspicuous house, I read the lengthy list of "things undesirable." I neared the end of the list without a suggestion of anything of a religious nature. But alas, the last line read thus: "No God-Botherers." I am not sure if I laughed out loud, but I was bursting with amusement. I did not leave a magazine, but as I walked on I felt a little glow of pride when I realised I am indeed a God-Botherer,! I "bother" Him all the time, and He loves it, He would have it to be so. I trust you know exactly what I mean!  

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