
Saturday 28 January 2012


I must confess to writing this "post" with some trepidation. This "peculiar" phrase was used more often in past decades and is seldom heard at all today. Perhaps this is because separation is largely untaught in the Assemblies of Gods' people now.
I suspect this phrase may well be unacceptable to many, even offensive. Please believe me I mean no offence, but I am much perturbed by what is allowed in "our" meetings.
Many of the local Assemblies are happy to permit believers from the denominations to preach and even teach in the meetings. We are quite ignorant of what is taught and practised in these denominations, and we would be, (or should be,) horrified if we were to learn what transpires at some of their gatherings. Where possible a brief "visit" to their websites are all that is necessary to make a discerning judgment as to their teaching and practices.
If, or rather, as we seem content to allow these men such inestimable privileges in our meetings, are we not then "defiled by association." If it is suggested that certain individuals do not "hold" the teaching and practices of their "church," (their word, not mine,) why do they remain in an unscriptural position? To suggest it is to be "a good, or purifying influence" is tantamount to saying they know better than the Lord! He still pleads with them to come out and be separate. Furthermore, many of these men condone and even promote these false teachings and unscriptural practices. Some even "left" assembly fellowship, and others went as far as to bring disrepute and division into the assembly while in fellowship. If we receive such do we not become partakers, have fellowship, in their sins? If so, then we do become defiled because of such association!
It is to be regretted that many Assemblies have given up the practice of announcing the visitng speaker with reference to his "home" Assembly, only his name and location is given out; thus the meeting is left in ignorance as to his spiritual "home," and an opportunity is lost to think, (if but briefly,) with affection toward another Assembly with which we may be familiar.
A further thought: the buildings in which we gather are of no great account, I mean they are only convenient places for us to meet. (I am not implying that our halls should be neglected in any way.) What does trouble me is the use to which they are sometimes permitted. To "hire them out" in any way seems to me to attract an element of danger in connection with defilement by association. We may well be identified, however tenuously, with those who use the premises. How would we answer such a suggestion or even allegation? We claim our citizenship is in heaven, and then we allow our buildings to be used as polling stations! We pride ourselves on taking nothing from the Gentiles, and then hire out our halls for profit!

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