
Monday 8 August 2011


Assembly CLOSURES 

Two more meetings have now closed permanently. In Cardiff the Assembly at North Clive Street, a meeting where I have been priveleged to preach and teach over a period of more than a decade, finally succombed to fewness of numbers, ill health and advancing years.With the closure of the Assembly at Cadoxton in Barry, South Wales, there is no longer any Assembly testimony in that town, the only other meeting closed some years ago.The saints from both meetings have gone hither and thither and these are sad days. If we are grieved, how much more is the heart of the Saviour.Denominational "churches" appear to be thriving and new "meetings" spring up almost daily. Any information that is made available as to how they meet, invariably proves to illustrate just how far they are removed from "the faith once for all delivered to the saints."

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