
Monday 8 August 2011

Bible Versions

Only just a few moments ago I discovered what the initials "E.S.V." actually stand for in connection with a "translation", (I use this word loosely,) of the Bible. Apparently it is the "English Standard Version," said to be "adapted from the R.S.V"or "A revision of the 1971 edition of the R.S.V." A cursory glance "on-line" was sufficient to see that it is as awful a corruption of the Word of God as its predecessor. No doubt it will gain the same popularity and do as much damage to souls as the R.S.V.
While on the subject of new translations of the Scriptures, what is the point of the "NEW K.J.V., and why have so many "brethren" resorted to it? In some of the magazines purportedly Assembly-based numerous references are cited from it. Continuing in that line of thought, why is it when quotations, footnotes, bibliographies, etc. appear in the magazine articles there are very few, (and in most cases none at all,) from "brethren" writings? Is our precious literary heritage no longer valued?

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