
Sunday 4 March 2018

Our Portion for the Lord

Our "Portion" for the Lord
The inclement weather that we have suffered in the last few days here in the U.K. has had dire effects upon our lives; disproportionately so!!
My disabled son was not able to receive his absolutely necessary visits from his Carers; the amount of effort that they were prepared to make was NIL! But they expected us (his family) to substitute for them on a daily basis without any of the training they have received. We did of course do all that we could to ensure his personal safety and quality of life; but  what a sad reflection on the world generally. My son is not able to "take a few days off" from his paralysis; and furthermore we travelled to visit and help him further than the Carers would have had to travel! Two inches of snow and the entire U.K. grinds to a halt. I imagine any of the saints reading this who live in other parts of the world will be astounded.
But what is as heart-breaking for me, is the lack of effort put forth by the Lords' people, those particularly who enjoy Assembly fellowship, in continuing to gather to His Name under these conditions; I realise it is uncomfortable, but could not alternative arrangements be made, e.g. meeting at a different venue, one more accessible; perhaps a home of one of the brethren in the particular Assembly? Or do we feel that there is something "special" about the Gospel Hall building? I do so hope not!
My wife and I felt the need to remember the Lord Jesus in His death for us in answer to His loving, longing invitation. We "broke bread" together in the home ,with no other believer present, but assured that the Lord Jesus was "in the midst." I know some if not many will take exception to this practice, but I am more conscious of failing to render to Him, the One Who loved me even unto death, His rightful portion. I verily longed for a portion from Him, and He faithfully granted it and made me to know His help in "calling Him to mind."
I fear that our lovely Saviour-Redeemer was "robbed" of much that His heart desired from His own during this Lords' Day. But I trust too that many brought their "baskets full" to refresh and rejoice His heart in this dark vale of tears. 

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