
Wednesday 22 May 2024

"The Association Between Our Dates of Birth and Death"

Frequently one or more ridiculous hypotheses are bandied about. Almost as often an hypothesis becomes an undeniable fact as its nonesensical nature is unfolded. A veritable hoch-potch of pseudo-scientific claptrap is its crumbling foundation. 

The latest example to come to light is the one quoted at the top of this "post." "The Association Between our Dates ofBirth and Death." Surveys undertaken by individuals and collectives from America, Germany, Ireland, Japan and Switzerland. In order to have a semblance of a chance to understand its implications, it is necessary to have a spectacular knowledge of "scientific" terms, and a formidable grasp of the English language. I lay no claim whatsoever to either!

As with every false hypothesis it has needed to be investigated, altered, and added to constantly. This particular study appeared in the ambitiously entitled "Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health" (1987).

Its two principle idealogies are labelled, "death postponement" meaning exactly what it implies; and "birthday blues," said to be "a stressful event provoking a rise in mortality."  

Further studies were carried out in 2001, 2012, and 2018. As far as I can gather they all disagreed in a number of key elements, in their fatally flawed efforts to no doubt undermine the truth as revealed in the Scriptures.

They all refer to numerous persons of fame, fortune and academic prowess. They used an interminable amount of time, and expended massive fortunes, to no satisfactory conclusion, nor solution in their understanding of death. 

What a terrible waste of time and resources when these supposedly erudite men and women could be engaged in something that would be of universal benefit.

The Word of God states unequivocally that, "The soul that sinneth it shall die;" "The wages of sin is death;" "It is appointed unto men once to die and after this Judgement." That "appointment" cannot be postponed or cancelled! It is inevitable for the Word of God cannot be broken.  

Ezekiel 18:4,20; Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:27; John 10:35.

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