
Saturday 22 June 2024

Climate Change? A Believer's Personal Verdict

Printed below is the title and a short introduction provided by the author, along wit the support of the publisher. After those two paragraphs are some of my personal thoughts.

I must immediately acknowledge that I have not read the book, but sufficient information has been granted in the accompanying statements for me to form an intelligent opinion based on my understanding of the Holy Scriptures, the Scriptures of truth.  

Global Warming - The Christian and Climate Change
According to the Bible, bigger changes to planet Earth are certain in the future, but that is not the reason for Christians to ignore the present implications of climate change and adopt a careless and extravagant lifestyle. We can show others that we care, including willing acceptance of government regulations to protect the environment.

In this helpful guide, Bert Cargill carefully outlines evidences of global warming and climate change, explaining some of the science behind it, and indicates ways in which we can help during our time on earth before our Lord Jesus comes again. 

First of all we are required to accept a theory as factual. This hypothesis has many adherents as those who hold with the Theory of Evolution; I refer to the "Scientists" and their brand of science, as the "experts" in this field. (I know with absolute certainty that the godly Author would view evolution as abhorrent as I do.) But many of these Scientist are advocates of this heinous and blasphemous theory.

Even true scientific facts are thoroughly eclipsed by faith, faith in the Word of God; faith which takes us into things infinite and eternal, and grants to us the divine ministry of the Holy Spirit, "the Spirit of truth," and brings us into intimate fellowship with the Father and the Son.

I know of no teaching in the Word of God regarding "global warming," or "climate change" in this dispensation. And I would not use those terms in connection with the Millenial earth or the ushering in of the eternal state.

It is clear to me that only two things are resposible for awful catastrophies on this earth, whether violent storms of every description, landslides, mudslides, volcanoes and earthquakes etc. namely man's sin and God's providential judgements! Please particularly think on the precious implications of the judgements being providential; what mercy!

  I would draw your attention to this sentence: "We can show others that we care, including willing acceptance of government regulations to protect the environment." And my reply to it is simple. Where in the Word of God are we instructed to make this world a better place? Puny, unbelieving man with all his so-called wisdom and power is totally helpless in the face of the elements; and belivers are left here to serve the Lord, "making disciples of all nations;" edifying, comforting and exhorting believers; and above even service for the Master, engaging in the sweetest worship of the Son of God's love. Using our time, abilities, energies and commitments to aught else is a distraction and a deflection from expressing in this scene, our love for the Lord Jesus.

Furthermore, we need to discern whether the "government regulations" are contrary t othe mind of God. These same politicians passed  legislation  (proven unlawful) during the Covid pandemic.The State dictated to the Assemblies what action they should take; since when has the derived authority of man been permitted to overrule the inherent power of God? The Assemblies were crippled by their unsriptural actions, and have never recovered; many of the saints have never returned to Assembly fellowship, and many an Assembly testimony was brought to nought.

Many of the proponents of "climate change" and other organisations hold illegal demonstrations, vandalise property and interrupt events which people have paid to see and enjoy. I should not like to be identified with these in the least!

Finally, why has our wonderful Creator-God provided us with coal, oil, gas and countless other beneficial "rich seams" only for us in awful thanklessness to brand these blessings as "pollutent" and call for the cessation of their use?

"Giving thanks at all times for all things to Him who is God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20.                                                                                                 "In everything give, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus towards you."  1 Thessalonians 5:18. 

Just a little aside: In the U.K. we have recycling crews who collect our recycled waste, crefully sorted, once a week. The waste does not remain separated in many cases, which comletely defeats the objective! But worse of all, and I have experienced this times without number, as they traverse their route they stop the lorry anywhere they feel like it. Blocking roads for as long as a quarter of an hour. It produces a tail-back of vehicles pumping out their emissions, and rendering all efforts to "save the planet" utterly futile! Only yesterday as we approached the hospital, there they were blocking the road in both directions while we with many others were trying to reach teh hospital and two emergency vehicles, ambulances with flashing lights lights and screaming sirens were forced to wait as the "Recyclers" continued their collection at no increased pace. There was ample space further on where they could have left the pathway clear; but they would have had to walk a few yards more! This is just one indication of the futility of man to make the most insignificant difference to the environment.

Tom Wyatt

Gathered to the name of our Lord Jesus with the saints at Corsham Wiltshire U.K.


Everything expressed here is my own personal understanding only.

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