
Monday 14 October 2024

His Silent Coming for His Own 

In mulling over the "Lord's descent from heaven" to "snatch" away His waiting people, those "fallen asleep in Jesus," together with those who "are alive and remain," the silent character of His descent to "the air" brought to mind some precious thoughts as to this apparent enigma. While the Holy Spirit has beautifully unfolded the various "mysteries" in Scripture to the saints of this dispensation, the world at large remains spiritually and morally deaf and blind. RefusIng to hearken to the Word of God, both written and Personal, "God having spoken to us" (literally) "in Son;" whilst their "minds (continue to be) "blinded by the god of this world." 

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17; Hebrews 1:2.

With those profound truths divinely exercising our hearts, we understand how that the "assembling shout" of "the Lord Himself;"the accompanying "voice of archangel," and the rallying "trump of God," cannot be heard or discerned by a world overshadowed by the Cross of Christ, and plunged into a morass of spiritual defilement, and the impenetrable darkness fo the Lord's absence from this scene.  

Engaged in thought as to these things, I realised another apparent conundrum. The graves the "dead in Christ" vacate, will remain undisturbed! The resurrected saints will "pass through" (if you will allow the phrase), the physical matter that has entombed their bodies; exactly as the Lord Jesus vacated His sepulchre, Himself "the Firstborn of all creation," become "the First begotten out from among the dead," "the Firstfruits of them that slept." "This is the first resurrection."

Colossians 1:15,18; 1 Corinthians 15:20,23; Revelation 20:5.

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