
Thursday 18 July 2024

"Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth"

 I wonder how often believers notice how the unregenerate in this scene misquote and misinterpret the Word of God. It can only be so for the Wicked One has blinded the minds of those who believe not.

My sadness is that there is no opportunity to reprove such pernicious and deceitful misrepresentation of the Biblical truth.

A prime example of this "activity" is the partial misquotation of the above phrase found four times over in the Word.

"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth;" used by the world in general to convey brutal acts of unjustified vengeance; while it is a divine principle, the means of preventing excessive retribution, a word, a measure of mercy thus demanded by the "Father of all mercies." The simple concept is "thus far and no further."                                                                                                                        See Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21; Matthew 5:38.                                                                                                                       

Believers in this dispensation understand how immensely different is the exhortation for them today; in essence "love your enemies; seek to emulate your Saviour, "Who when He was reviled, reviled not again, when He suffered He threatened not, but gave Himself over into the hands of Him who judges righteously." Matthew 5:44; 1 Peter 2:23.

Friday 5 July 2024

Thoughts as to the Believer and Politics. 

I will begin by announcing my stand on this isuue so that you will be able to conclude your reading as early as you would wish.

I have nothing to do with politics in any shape or form. I have never voted in any election whatsoever, and I never intend so to do.

Without looking for help from anyone, not even those godly servants of Christ in an earlier century, those who have "fallen asleep in Jesus;" but wholly trusting that the Holy Spirit of God Himself will act as my Divine Instructor, I pen this for your prayerful consideration.

The U.K. has just engaged in a General Election; and in man's wisdom, but permitted by our God, they have elected an avowed atheist to the highest position in the Land. Before I outline my position before the Lord, I would ask believers who have cast their vote, are you not responsible in any way, guilty of what has taken place? An atheist in power in our nation that once purported to have based its laws and judicial dealings upon the Word of God! 

Now dear brethren and sisters in Christ, did you seek His face that He might guide you? Did you receive any guidance? I believe the answer can only be "I did not!" Why do I dare make such a bold declaration? Because we have a man who denies the very existence of God, and therefore is "without Christ" now occupying that first position. And furthermore why did not EVERY believer vote in uniformity? I heard a snippet of a little discussion among Brethren which grieved me, for they were taken up with the "tomorrow" and in total disagreement about which "Party" to vote for in the Election. How is that possible?

Now to my thoughts as to the Biblical stance I have taken, thankfully along with countless others of the Lord's people, I verily believe.

Now Brethren what is our "standing" in relationship with the world? We are "Saints by calling," or literally "called saints;" we are never called to aspire to sainthood, we are not exhorted to become saints, we are saints, each of us, and all of us! And what does this imply if it is not personal SEPARATION? it is consecration; and its derivatives imnclude, "chaste, clean, pure, innocent, blameless, holy." It is reminiscent of the Nazarite-character of Numbers 6.       Romans 1:1; 1 Corinthians 1:2; See 2 Corinthians 1:1, 13:13; Ephesians 1:12; Colossians 1:4. 

We are "Strangers and Pilgrims," in this world. We are not "at home," and we are only "passing through." A "stranger" in Scripture is simply a guest,  but as to the force of the word, "an alien resident," or a "by-dweller;" A "Pilgrim" has even more emphasis on our "strangerhood" here in this scene; we are said to be "an alien alongside." Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11. 

Indeed, our "conversation is in heaven;" A.V. That word "conversation" is  translated differently in other Versions of the Word of God. "Citizenship," "manner of life," are but two examples. The word in the original is "POLITEUMA," i am using the transliteration for those of us who know little or nothing of the N.T. Greek language. But you only need to look at the word to see that it has reference to our English word "politics." As far as I am aware, you are not permitted to vote in another Nation's elections. Philippians 3:20.

Furthermore we are "Ambassadors for Christ," as was the Apostle Paul, although he was an "ambassador in bonds." Thus, we are in the world as Ambassadors, by implication to "act as a representative;" figuratively "a member of a celestial council;" and figuratively a "preacher."                            2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20.

We need to remind our hearts that we are IN the world but we are not OF it! Listen to the words of the Master, the only begotten Son speaking to the Father: "I have given them Thy word," the Word of God in testimony, "and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world." "I do not demand that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them out of the evil. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world." John 17:14-16.

I conclude that we have no warrant in the Word of God to engage in politics, just the aboslute opposite. Indeed our only responsibility "politically if you will, is to pray for "all that are in authority" over us;" those granted derived authority. 1 Timothy 2:1,2.

Finally Brethren, "The powers that be are ordained (appointed) by God;" In awe-ful reverence I exhort you to "leave it with Him." 

The responsibility for all that I have written in this "Post" lies only with me. I do not pretend to speak on behalf of "Brethren, commonly so called," nor on behalf of the Assembly with which I am peresently identified, nor any other Assembly.

Tom Wyatt Gathered unto the name of our Lord Jesus Christ with the saints at Corsham Wiltshire U.K.



Thursday 4 July 2024

Adam Wyatt (Health Update) 

Dear brethren and sisters in Christ

Back on Tuesday 18th June I was privileged to conduct a Funeral Service for a beloved brother in Christ who had been "called home" after a short but very serious illness. 
After the Funeral Service many of the saints came to enquire about my only son, Adam. These wonderfully faithful believers had continued to pray for Adam long after my last update posted on "Blogger." It was truly amazing to realise the constantcy of the love of the Lord's people for my wife Bernice, for myself, and particularly for  our severely disabled son Adam.
Adam suffered a rare Spinal Stroke back in April 2015 when only 27 yeras old. It resulted in total paralysis from his neck down. He remained quadraplegic for some months, until by God's grace, and in answer to fervent prayer, Adam slowly regained his right hand side. At the end of almost two years he was discharged from hospital still paraplegic. His paralysis prevents him from standing, dressing and washing himself, feeding himself until his food has been cut up. He cannot get in or out of bed, and can only sit in a wheelchair. He has no bladder or bowel control, the nerves have been damaged throughout his body. To move from bed to owheelchait, from wheelchair to car, is taxing for him as he needs to use a "sliding board" with help from someone else. He cannot discern temperature, has weakened immunity, and very feeble cough and sneeze reflexes. I mention all these things  because generally speaking very few people are eaware of the numerous attendant difficulties associated with paralysis.
Please forgive the lengthy nature of the above information; I must turn to the present and tell you of recent events.
Adam has kidney stones, and has undergone five operations prior to the latest one. On each occasion he has developd sepsis after the procedure, and miraculously (i9n the infinite mercy of God), survived each time. The last time he suffered anaphylactic shock and was rushed to the Resusitation Unit in haste.They asked him for permission to do whatever was necessary to save his life. he readily concurred, but the rapidity with which they treated him alleviated any furthe action. We are so in awe of the tenderness and compassion of our Saviour in His undertaking and overruling for us all. 
On Friday June 21st Adam had his latest operation to remove kidney stone fragments, along with the intention of removing the stent he has either side of the kidney area. The operation was a partial success, and he was told that a final operation would be needed in six weeks time. He was dischatged the same day, Friday, at around 7.00pm.
Early the next morning he was in excrutiating pain and manifesting symptons of sepsis yet again. An ambulance was called and arrived within six minutes! Paramedics adminstered morphine, and treated his raging temperature, low blood pressure and racing heart rate.
Bernice and I visited him every day for six to eight hours. He was treated with three different antibiotics by I.V. One antibiotic was said to be the most powwerful ever developed! With paracetamol and morphine both hadministerd by I.V. Adam responded well. He was finally dischrged on Lord's Day 30th June. He has remained well up to this moment in time. Nevertheless he has to undergo a further operation in five weeks time, if the Lord will. It will be exactly the same procedure, but should be the final operation in the mercy of our blessed and good "God whom we adore."
How we have appreciated the on-going prayers of the saints, the answers to which have sustained us in the unfailing grace, and uninterrupted love of our precious Lord and Saviour.
Please, please accept our reciprocal love to you all in Him. Please contimue to pray for us, we know that you will!
Yours because we all are HIS! 
Tom Wyatt 
Gathered unto the name of the Lord Jesus with teh saints at Corsham Wiltshire U.K.