
Saturday 1 September 2018

Matthew 16:18. "Gates of hell shall not prevail..."

"And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18.
I have this phrase etched upon my mind at this moment in time. Being familiar with our lovely Authorised Version of the Scriptures, which I read every day of my life, you will appreciate that I am not intending to speak ill of it. But this is a mistranslation of some considerable moment. The nature of this error is found in many verses in the A.V. and gives ammunition to the many and various blasphemous teachings of the cults and isms who wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:16.
The correct translation is: "And on this rock I will build My assembly, and Hades' gates shall not prevail against it." J.N. Darbys' New Translation, which I also read every day!
The Lord Jesus was speaking to His own in this passage concerning "Hades," not" Hell," which  is "Gehenna" [Greek], "the lake of fire, the place of eternal torment. Where these two words are not rightly distinguished problems of interpretation arise. Note especially "death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire" i.e. "Hell." Hell cannot be cast into Hell. Some brethren will speak of the "powers of hell;" I feel disinclined to permit them "poetic licence." Please, let me enquire, Who is in Hell? What is in Hell? I answer unequivocally, no one, and nothing! If any creature terrestrial or infernal were imprisoned in Hell, there is no escape for them to use any such "powers!" No powers of Hell exist, nor any hellish foes! Better expressions are "devilish" or "demonic" power when referring  to the enemies of the souls of men.
While the body of those who have departed this scene lie in the grave, their souls are in Hades. The body tends to corruption, while the soul is imprisoned in Hades. The Psalmist records prophetically the intimate prayer of the suffering Saviour, "For Thou wilt not leave My soul to Sheol, [Gk."Hades" ] neither wilt Thou allow Thy Holy One to see corruption." Psalm 16:10. See its citation and fulfilment in the book of Acts.
Acts 2:27, 31;13:35, 37.
[If able, do look at the footnotes of the various passages of Scripture in J.N.D.]